You’re running late and speeding to work when suddenly a car cuts in front of you with a bumper sticker that says, “Slow Down and Breathe” just in time for you to see the police car. You’re missing your best friend and suddenly your phone rings – she's calling you! You need a new car and everywhere you turn, you see red Porsche convertibles. Is it coincidence or synchronicity? is there an intelligence out there, breaking through the noise of your everyday life with messages of clarity? Maybe life is richer and more filled with meaning and promise than we recognize. Maybe it's time to start asking:
"Am I really happy?"
"Am I being myself?"
"What am I afraid of? ""
"What makes me feel alive?"
"Am I truly enjoying this life?"
All synchronicities, large or small, offer glimpses. When they happen to me, they transport me from the usual and mundane into a sense of awe. What would it take to renew your awe?
Each year I take a renewal journey with a small group of yogis. This its NOT a yoga retreat; this Riverflow Yoga Renewal is about running towards the life you want. I am inviting you to live your one wild and precious life. To immerse in the lushness of Tuscany and explore the richness of your own inner landscape. To travel far away to a magical land and come home to the beauty inside yourself. PM or CALL for the glorious detailsa;
The Riverflow Yoga Blissful Warrior Renewal
Florence, Italy/October 2019
Limited space – Early Registration Discounts through July 30