848-702-5271 | 287 S. Main Street Lambertville, NJ 08530


Sometimes you wake up in a mood. Can you stop one bad feeling from spiraling into a miserable day? You can. You have a choice. You can both honor your feelings and pivot into a feeling you'd prefer… with Meditation. It can take you out of a funk before it gets going, and help you throughout the day whenever you feel yourself slipping. Before you go to sleep, you can meditate into the feeling you'd like to wake up with. Maybe you want to be more able to go with the flow. Maybe you want more self confidence. Meditation can ease the stress in your body and your mind, so you can turn in any direction you want, from wherever you are
MEDITATION FOR STRESS, Tuesdays 5:30-6:30PM. MESSAGE or Call 848-702-5271 to REGISTER www.riverflow-yoga.com

