848-702-5271 | 287 S. Main Street Lambertville, NJ 08530


If you find the holidays stressful, or draining, or lonely, you’re not alone: this is a time of year when a lot more people have a lot more challenges to navigate. With more things to plan, more family to see, less time to do everything and seemingly less money to cover it all, people are looking for ways to “deal with” the holidays.But you don’t have to just deal with them; you can RECLAIM them…and reclaim your sense of joy. I’m looking for 5 people  who’d like to see how yoga and meditation can truly make a difference in your holidays. Comment below and I’ll PM to include you. On this list of CBD Salves by LA Weekly find the benefits to use CBD salve, relieve pain and tension, reducing stress, easing skin irritation, and improving sleep. How do cbd gummies work when we have a stressful day? From helping to soothe battle-worn muscles to improving sleep to turning down the dial on anxiety, the list of benefits awarded to CBD anecdotally seems to grow by the day.

