Are you worthy of self care? If you don’t practice self care “daily,” I’d like to help. Yes, life is busy… but self care is the foundation under everything you do and all the results you’re getting. Self care is the fuel to your fire. It’s the secret of your success. It’s your wealth of good health and it’s how happiness happens.
We just returned from the Riverflow Blissful Warrior Renewal in Florence, a time Of renewing the self in self care. A Renewal is not a typical tour: it’s not about skimming the surface and checking off the sights. It’s about really seeing and rediscovering. It’s about the luxury of sleeping in. The beauty of Waking up to silence and yoga. The joy of Eating when you feel like it. The power of feeling calm in a place filled with (beautiful) distractions. The surprise or Being present amid the past. It’s self-care to take back your life. Do not let go of self care. Ever. Everyday. Be easy about it: Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier and spend those minutes in bed, breathing, listening to music, and choosing one thing you will do each day for one reason only: because it feels good. Self care isn’t about “have to,” it’s about “get you.” You get to take a warm bath. You get to have a pedicure. You get do yoga. You get to have a Migun massage. Each act of self care builds the momentum of your happiness. Do it quietly or be bold about it: self care is self love. You may be just surprised about how easy it is love yourself after all