Smoothed by tides,
but not broken.
I want my hard edges to soften.
I want to ride the waves
and go with the flow.
I want to catch a wave
and let it carry me
to where I belong.
I want to be picked up
and held gently by
those who delight in my
well earned patina and
appreciate the changes I went
through to achieve that beauty.
I want to enjoy the journey
and always remember that if
you give the ocean something
breakable it will turn it into
something beautiful.
I want to age like sea glass.
~ Bernadette Noll ~

What do you do when…
- Your friend, family or partner asks you for something you are unwilling to give…
- A colleague says or does something that shocks you…
- Something you counted on is suddenly gone…
- The stress of your life becomes unbearable
We all want to fix problems fast. To dispel uncertainty. We want to put things back together when they feel broken or out of place. It’s how humans are wired: our nervous systems protect us from danger, and uncertainty can feel dangerous.
But what do you do when your whole world feels uncertain? When everything suddenly feels upside down, out of control, with no solutions?
If you’re feeling upheaval in your life – physically, mentally, or emotionally – you are not alone. In local communities and in the global community, just about everyone has experienced unprecedented change.
We all want to regain balance. How can you find an unwavering steadiness under these conditions?
How do you bring yourself from despair and hopelessness to a new level of self-empowerment?
You look within yourself, and see things from the inside out.
I call this Radical Resilience.
What is Radical Resilience?
Radical Resilience begins the ability to see what is real in this moment, acknowledge it with clarity, and move with certainty in the direction you want.
Radical Resilience is more than just the ability to bounce back from trauma; it’s an ability to experience life as an ongoing journey, and not fall into despair about any of it.
What is Unknowing?
Radical Resilience begins with a willingness to unlearn everything you thought you knew about yourself, about others, and about life around you.
This is simple, but it isn’t easy.
It requires the openness to see your assumptions, to welcome creative thinking, and to allow your own instincts.
With new habits like pausing and breathing before reacting, you can shift into resilience mode and expand in the face of obstacles rather than contract in fear. What might happen if, before you reacted, you paused to ask yourself:
- “Is my answer coming from my heart?”
- “Does my reaction to this situation serve me?”
- “What might I say or do if I cared more about creating a good result, than about being right?”
If you are a parent, a teacher or a leader expected to know all the answers, practicing pausing and “unknowing” can be unnerving at first. But this is the start of Radical Resilience that can make you more productive in your work, more confident in your decisions, and happier in all your relationships.
Your life can become the Blissful adventure it was meant to be.
If you were Radically Resilient, what could you achieve?

Could you easily be inspired to see new solutions to old problems?

Could you have a daily To Do list that reflects your real priorities?

Could you be authentically yourself, for yourself and others?
To finally allow yourself to focus on what matters most, in your work and in your personal life, and to know how to move towards it.
Self awareness. Self confidence. Self love.
Blissful Warrior includes:
- Balancing the nervous system for body and mind
- Meditation and Mindfulness practices
- Mastering The Art of Unknowing
- Processes for clear thinking and deep certainty in your decisions
- Learning to approach old problems in new ways
For Business Managers, Leaders and Visionaries: bringing Blissful Warrior to your corporate team creates strong team connection and genius problem-solving .

Blissful Warrior comes to you through:
- LIVE Group Coaching
- Online Forums
- A Private Facebook Group
- A Private YouTube Channel
- Personal Accountability Partners
- Freedom to take this at your own pace
Your life is not fixed; it’s remarkably fluid.
Blissful Warrior is about developing the ability to manage this flow, with an unshakeable belief in yourself, your actions, and your choices, in your work and personal life.
If things in your life are falling apart, now is the time to learn the Radical Resilience of putting things together in a new way: the way of a Blissful Warrior.
Change presents opportunities, not obstacles.
Are you ready to explore this for yourself?
Who am I?
I’m Rhonda Uretzky and I’ve been mentoring, guiding and coaching people of all ages, as a yoga teacher and mindfulness coach, for over 50 years. I am the author of The Blissful Warrior: Living The Paradox of Peace and Passion for Today’s Empowered Woman, the story of my personal practice in Radical Resilience.
I am the owner of Riverflow Yoga studio in Lambertville NJ and the creator of Riverflow Hot Yoga Teacher Training a 200 hour certification in yoga and mindfulness. I’ve lead yoga retreats abroad and I’ve taught thousands of students and trained dozens of teachers.

How do you embrace Radical Resilience?
Are you ready to find out more…about your Blissful Warrior?
CLICK NOW for a brief questionnaire and get clear about what you really want
…for yourself, for others, now and for the future.
Then receive a chance to SCHEDULE a FREE PERSONAL CALL with me, to dive into your answers together.
How Do You Become Radically Resilient?
Welcome to Blissful Warrior a unique coaching program to develop your resilience, one step at a time all the way to bliss.
Rhonda Uretzky, E-RYT200
Registered Yoga Teacher
Author, The Blissful Warrior
Mindfulness Coach